Looking into Hard Turning VTL’s? Read This First.
ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL, January 5, 2021
Lowering cost, delivering higher quality, and improved speed are three things manufacturers are continually seeking to improve. Hard turning is an essential process because it can help achieve all of these things when done correctly and with the right machine.
Hard turning technology is defined as using a rigid turning machine for the finish machining operation on hardened steel 55 HRC or greater by utilizing advanced cutting tools. The process can be considered for most pre-grind applications and is considered ideal for workpieces with complex shapes, as all operations can often be completed in one part clamping. It is technology-driven and requires certain performance features and functionalities to the machine tool, process, and tooling.
How to Achieve Successful Hard Turning
Hard turning has measurable benefits you can use to gauge your success. The success is largely measured by the construction and design of the machine, along with the workholding and tool holding. Several important factors to consider when looking to achieve success in hard turning are:
- Machine rigidity
- Workholding Rigidity
- Good vibration damping characteristics
- Rigid tool location
- Component part rigidity
- Rigid cutting tools and advanced insert materials
Shibaura Machine builds a full range of Vertical Turning Machines (VTL) for demanding turning applications in the machining of hardened steel materials. Shibaura’s VTL’s are rigid machines that align very well with the requirements for a successful hard turning machine application.
Benefits of Hard Turning
With the right machine, workholding, and tool holding you will see the numerous benefits of hard turning. Industries ranging from automotive, aerospace, bearing, oil/gas, and more have reported production increases and workpiece cost reductions by utilizing Shibaura Machine for their demanding hard turning applications.
The top four reported benefits of hard turning are:
- Lower Price. Lathes are generally less expensive to purchase than grinding machines. They often also require less support equipment and operation time. This adds up to greater productivity, production control, shorter throughput, and increased profits.
- Lathes can handle small lots and complex shapes efficiently. Complex contours can be done with ease.
- Multiple operations can be performed with one set-up and you can “soft turn” and hard turn on the same machine tool. This results in less part handling and opportunity for part damage.
- Improved Waste Management. Lathe’s produce chips that are less expensive to dispose of than swarf’s produced by grinding machines.
Hard turning applications with Shibaura Machines Vertical Turning Lathes deliver significant workpiece processing improvements. Manufacturers have a lower capital investment cost, improved workpiece surface finish, and cost reductions versus using highly specialized and expensive grinding machines.
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