"Lo bueno de una máquina Shibaura es que nunca tienen ningún tiempo muerto"

Mumford Die Casting Al

"En cuanto a la fiabilidad de la máquina, siempre están activos. Eso es impresionante para mí".

Al Peterson

General Manager

Mumford Die Casting Jordan

"Lo único que tenemos que hacer con las máquinas Shibaura es el horario del PM´s, y eso generalmente aparece en la pantalla".

Jordan Becerra

Lead Maintenance Technician

"Shibaura machines, we have had tremendous luck with our machines, and I think if we had to say if there's one downfall of it, I don't think I could come up with it.  I have not had any issues. And never had any problems making sure that that machine is ready to run Monday morning and run through Friday or Saturday, whatever we decided we need to run."

Mumford Metal Casting